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Code for "Dialogue Evaluation with Offline Reinforcement Learning" paper
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general / dsml / LAVA - Public
Apache License 2.0Public codebase for "LAVA: Latent Action Spaces via Variational Auto-encoding for Dialogue Policy Optimization" published in COLING 2020.
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Peter Schubert / modelpruner
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterPrune a metabolic model (remove redundant reactions). Based on Network Reducer (Erdrich et al. 2015).
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This repository deals with the data exploration of the data contained in D-BAS.
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Public Jupyter teaching notebooks for use with the ProB kernel for Jupyter.
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general / dsml / PyDial3 - Public
Apache License 2.0Updated -
general / dsml / RECORD - public
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Peter Schubert / sbmlxdf
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterDescription: Python package sbmlxdf. Converts between SBML (.xml) and Pandas dataframes, Excel spreadsheets (.xlsx), *.csv. SBML model creation, modification, validation and access.
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general / dsml / SetSUMBT - Public
Apache License 2.0Updated